P r o d u c t s

We have a wide variety of traditional sweets such as stewed fruit sweet preserve (sour cherry, quince , grape etc. ) small cakes- cake bites, mont blanc, cheesecake, ice-cream,cookies, traditional tsoureki, baklava etc. DO NOT MISS our specialties Saint honoré, Profiterole and our savoury Quiche Lorraines.

C a k e s

DO NOT MISS our specialties Saint honoré, Profiterole and our savoury Quiche Lorraines.

C h o c o l a t e s

A large variety of different types of handmade chocolate (filled with chestnut, plum etc) always fresh , will be one of your favourite.

S m a l l S w e e t s

Impress your guests by offering them mini sweets such as chocolate, fruit tarts, tarts with ganache and nuts.

C o o k i e s - C a k e s - T r a d i t i o n a l s y r u p y b i t e s

In our pastry shop you could find something to accompany your coffee with (cookies, croissants etc) and also traditional pastries with syrup made with the purest and best quality ingredients.

H o l i d a y S w e e t s

In our pastry shop you can find various drink baskets ideal for unique gifts, as well as fresh seasonal sweets such as honey macaroons, curabiedes, Easter chocolate eggs, Easter buns, New Year’s pies, etc.

W e d d i n g - B a p t i s m

We provide catering services for an unforgettable reception.